CREATING pathways
from the
to your


Bring the power and beauty of music into your home with educational resources, workshops, performances, and private lessons



Home Concerts, Weddings & Private Events

Sadie regularly works with talented musicians on a beautiful program that could be enjoyed by you and your friends at your next event


Ignite wonder through Classical Music

Through private lessons, workshops and printouts for in home listening activities, my hope is to give children of today an experience of Classical Music as an encounter.


Kind Words



Hi, I’m Sadie

A pianist passionate about removing the pomp and privilege surrounding Classical Music so that its beauty can be accessed by all.

Raised with art, music, and good books on a rural ridgetop under a galaxy of stars, I now create pedagogical and performance pathways that help to bring the power of music to your home.

With degrees in history and music and over 18 years of teaching and performance experience, my offerings draw from both the academic and musical worlds to broaden the reach of music to as many hearts and homes as possible.




a Classical Pianist passionate about education and performance.


Sadie Hoyt is a classically trained pianist who is passionate about breaking down the barriers of prestige and privilege surrounding the classical world so that people everywhere can have access to its power and beauty.


“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.”




One of the greatest gifts I received as a child was exposure to the Classical Repertoire.


 Classical Music instilled a sense of awe and wonder in me, expressed emotions I could not yet articulate, taught me how to listen closely and perceive, instilled a sense of awe and respect for life, and showed me mankind’s great capacity to create beauty, harmony, and order out of life’s experiences.

In Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos I heard all of human life as a jubilant, complex cacophony of voices capable of forming a unified narrative; in Mozart’s landscape of precision, structure and balance, I understood the beauty of a well ordered life; in Tchaikovsky’s ballets I was whisked away to the furthest reaches of my imagination; and in Beethoven’s symphonies, the struggle, resilience and transcendence of humanity was revealed to me in all its majesty.

In these works, I encountered the world both within and outside of myself, and it instilled in me my understanding of what it means to be human.

My hope is to give each person that same experience of Classical Music as a powerful encounter.



“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.”






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As the most transportable of classical music’s sub-genres, chamber music can be a powerful agent in bringing classical music back into the public square. With her extensive experience in chamber music, art song and orchestral reductions, Sadie is passionately committed to collaboration.

Scroll below to see some of her featured performances!




Sadie Hoyt is a classicaly trained pianist who is passionate about breaking down the barriers of prestige and privilege surrounding the classical world so that people everywhere can have access to its power and beauty.



Sadie Hoyt is a classicaly trained pianist who is passionate about breaking down the barriers of prestige and privilege surrounding the classical world so that people everywhere can have access to its power and beauty.



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