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  1. Musings about the different forms and purposes of music, its place in our life, and its power in affecting our hearts and minds.

2. Resources, tips and advice for cultivating the Beauty of music in your home.



I talk a lot about the power and importance of music and specifically address the important role classical music plays in its capacity to awaken wonder, create order from chaos, and to reveal the inner beauty for which we long and to which we belong.

Sadie Hoyt Sadie Hoyt

4 Great Children’s books on American Classical Composers Scott Joplin, Gershwin and Duke Ellington!

There is a wealth of great American classical music + composers to celebrate, and each year I love putting together a playlist and a number of resources to help bring this rich musical heritage to life in our homes! This year in addition to creating a playlist and a free listening calendar for the month of July, I researched great books for introducing children to American Composers. Here are 4 Great Additions to your home library on composers Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, and George Gershwin.

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Sadie Hoyt Sadie Hoyt

How to Choose the Best Piano Keyboard for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Perfect Instrument

As a parent, you want your child to have the best possible start in their musical journey, and choosing the right piano keyboard can make all the difference. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which instrument is best suited to your child's needs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll discuss the key factors to consider when selecting a piano keyboard for kids.

We live in an incredible time of innovation for keyboards but it’s important to choose one that will not compromise sound quality, accurate key feel and size, and will give your child an accurate experience of piano playing that will allow them to be proficient and versatile in adjusting and playing all keyboard instruments. The investment is more than worth it -with the right piano keyboard your child can enjoy a fulfilling musical journey and a lifelong love of music!

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Sadie Hoyt Sadie Hoyt

The Surprising Benefits of Piano Lessons for Children: Boosting Focus, Discipline, and Creativity

Learning to play the piano at a young age provides numerous lifelong advantages that can contribute to personal and professional success. These benefits include improved memory and brain function, enhanced academic performance, increased discipline and focus, creative thinking and emotional expression, social skills development, and stress and anxiety management.

As children grow into adulthood, the skills they learn through piano lessons can continue to benefit them in various ways. For example, the focus and discipline required for piano practice can translate into career success and improved productivity. The creative thinking and emotional expression skills developed through music can also be applied in various aspects of life, such as problem-solving and communication.

Additionally, the social skills developed through piano lessons can contribute to success in professional relationships and networking. The stress and anxiety management skills learned through music can also be applied to adult life, helping individuals manage the demands of a busy career and personal life.

Overall, the advantages of learning to play the piano at a young age can have a lasting impact on personal and professional success throughout one's lifetime. The skills developed through piano lessons can provide valuable tools for achievement in various aspects of life and contribute to overall well-being and happiness.

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Journal, Classical Music Sadie Hoyt Journal, Classical Music Sadie Hoyt

Why should we listen to classical music? Thoughts on its distinct traits and why we should make more time for it in our lives.

In its cathedral of sound, I seemed to hear the full complexity of the human life story organized into a majestic, cohesive whole. It filled me with renewed wonder at the world both within and around me, and when I emerged from this space, I looked at the world differently, with more respect, and with a deeper awareness of its power and beauty.

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